Sluban B1102 – Battleship Bismarck & Tirpitz (Speed Build Review)

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Now Sluban is also venturing into ships. It’s amazing how many historic models have been brought onto the market in recent months. The quality of the stones has also been improved.



Der Aufbau

Unfortunately, this construction started directly with a missing part. And that wasn’t just any part, it was an 8×16 plate. It later turned out that the stickers were also missing. There is also no type plate on the base. First the fuselage is built, which does not have a supporting structure in all places. Without a self-made substructure it is hardly possible to build on the upper plates, as they bend too much. The sides of the hull consist of a panel construction that hugs the hull with hinges.

Numerous details are installed on the deck. Even the smallest guns are not made of molded parts and are built. Thanks to the self-made auxiliary construction, all superstructures can be pressed on without any problems. The set includes separate parts for the conversion to the Tirpitz. Without stickers, however, these are not of much use. An empty nameplate also adorns the stand.


Auch wenn die schnittige Form der Bismarck nicht ganz so gut getroffen wurde, ist es ein tolles Schiff und schönes Displaymodell geworden. Durch die Lösung mit den Hinges wurde eine fließende Form ohne Ecken und Kanten geschaffen.

This post is also available in Deutsch.

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